学校法人盈進学園 盈進中学高等学校

ホーム最新情報Whole Day English


Whole Day English


7月21日(木)、2年生希望者65名によるWhole Day Englishが行われました。今年は“教室の外で英語を使ってみよう!”をテーマに、普段の授業ではできないことに挑戦しました。

Cooking Timeでは、海外のキャンプファイヤーでよく作られる伝統的な人気のデザートs’moreとDonuts作りに挑戦しました。また、Art Timeではマスキングテープを使ったPaper Fan作り、Treasure HuntingではMcCartney先生より出されたミッションをグループで協力してクリアしました。lunch menuはHamburger&French Fries、お小遣いのドルを使ってsnackの買い物…と、少しだけ海外の文化に触れることができた1日となりました。


The day after first term closing ceremony, 2nd grade junior high school students at Eishin participated in ‘A Whole Day of English’. ‘A Whole Day of English’ is an optional event where students only participate if they want to. Every year, ‘A Whole Day of English’ is different. Different activities, different themes and also different guests. This year, students assembled in the morning before breaking up into two groups and rotating around completing different tasks and activities.

One particular highlight today was our guests. University exchange students from Fukuyama and Hiroshima Universities visited Eishin and participated in several activities with the students. As suggested by the name of the event, ‘A Whole Day of English’ is exactly that. Students are encouraged to use English as much as possible with each other and, with the guests for a whole day. The guests come from a variety of different countries including China, Thailand as well as Kenya. Our students were fortunate to be able to learn about various cultures from people who actually grew up in those countries which, is a rare opportunity in the current global landscape.

Aside from talking to our guests, students also acted as tour guides. They showed our guests around the school while hunting for strange and interesting information about the school in the Information Treasure Hunt activity.

Summer is in full swing with hot days expected to continue for some time. To help deal with the heat, students made and decorated their own paper fans.

For some, speaking Japanese can be tiring. Speaking in English can require even more energy. Students enjoyed making and eating treats such as mini donuts to replenish their lost energy.

Finally, for lunch, students ate an American style burger and fries. A great way to finish a long day.

Through events like ‘A Whole Day of English’ at Eishin, we hope that our students enjoy using English as well as become more curious about the cultures around them and in the process, become even more interested in learning English.
